Services for Schools
Have you thought about using The Rabbit Hole to order books for your school?
Could we save you money?
Are you interested in author events?
Or perhaps a pop up book shop?
All school orders will receive a standard 20% discount, with our being able to negotiate a further discount on your behalf for class sets.
Contact us at therabbithole.brigg@outlook.com with your requirements, and we'll send you an itemised quotation.
We are also delighted to be once again visiting schools for events with authors. If you'd like to be contacted regarding upcoming and future events, just get in touch.
Or perhaps you'd like us to provide a pop up shop at a Parent's Evening?
We can even host your staff meetings here in the shop - tea and coffee (or even a glass of wine!) included!
If there's anything you think we could help with - just get in touch!